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Art Therapy
March 2, 2021 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

First Level
- An introduction to the history of art therapy
- Art therapy sectors
- Importance of art therapy
- Goals of art therapy
- Visual arts sectors
- Artistic works sections, materials, and art therapy tools
Second Level
- Elements and components of the artistic work
- The aesthetic values and foundations of the artwork
- Characteristics of children’s visual drawings and symbols
- Characteristics of adult drawings and symbols
- Patterns of artistic expression
- Elements of graphic analysis
- Colors and their psychological, social, and scientific significance
- Psychological intelligence and projective tests
- Practical and aesthetic performance skills
- Art therapy for family
- Art therapy for people of determination
- Art therapy for the elderly
- Art therapy for patients with neurosis and psychosis
- Treating behavioral disorders for children and adults
- Art therapy to treat nightmares and depression
Third Level
- Methods of analyzing and reading drawings and artwork
- The occupational characteristics of the art therapist
- Art therapy methods and strategies
- Practical applications for course participants