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Atyaf Sakandrya 6/ Ahmed Yuosri

Ahmed Yuosri

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Born in Alexandria in 1993.  graduated from Faculty of fine Arts Alexandria university, painting department in 2017

Participated in various exhibitions and art galleries mostly with experimental art works whether in the field of painting or video based on improvisation including “Starting point scholarship exhibition” in cairo sponsored by sawiris foundation and fayoum art center in 2022 at Townhouse art gallery and “Biennale Artist’s Book 2022” at Bibliotheca of Alexandria and “the youth saloon” in Cairo 2021 and “First time” at bibliotheca of Alexandria in 2017 and other art events including “AL chamandar” which was based on translating a novel into a visual painting at Shelter art space in Alexandria 2020 and “ contiguous spaces ” Exhibition at Mahmoud Saeed Museum in Alexandria 2021, He is also having some of his artworks recently shown at Safar khan art gallery and Racotis art gallery in Cairo.

35Medhat Ali, Samuel Onsy and 33 others3 CommentsLikeComment

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